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Stroke Prediction - Cluster Analysis and Dimensionality Reduction

This analysis aimed to enhance stroke data classification models by integrating unsupervised learning techniques like clustering and dimensionality reduction. By employing clustering, we segmented patients into groups with similar features to improve stroke risk classification, and applied dimensionality reduction to explore patterns in the data. Despite the dataset's imbalance, we observed that cluster-based classification could slightly improve results. Specifically, clustering approaches like DBSCAN Clustering, combined with classification algorithms, showed potential in better identifying stroke risk while balancing accuracy and recall. The ultimate goal is to provide early identification of high-risk individuals, optimize resource allocation, and support targeted preventive measures.

1. Main Objective

The main objective of this analysis is to improve derived base classification models of the Stroke Data Analysis by applying unsupervised learning methods like clustering and dimensionality reduction. With clustering we will analyze the data and aim to segment the population into groups of patients with similar features to support classification of stroke risk. Dimensionality reduction aims at transforming the observations in a different space to see whether we can identify some structure or patterns. The metrics for finding the best prediction is again to maximize accuracy in terms of recall whilst not classifying too many cases wrongly as stroke risk. The true cost of misclassifying a patient at stroke risk as healthy outweighs the cost of misclassifying a healthy patient as at risk for stroke. The analysis aims at improving basic classification models and providing further insights for stroke risk to allow:

  • Early Identification: Helping healthcare providers identify individuals at higher risk of stroke for timely intervention.
  • Resource Allocation: Assisting in the efficient allocation of medical resources to those most in need.
  • Preventive Measures: Providing insights for developing targeted preventive measures to reduce the incidence of strokes.

2. Dataset Description

The Stroke Prediction dataset is available at Kaggle (URL : and contains data on patients, including their medical and demographic attributes.


Attribute Description
id Unique identifier for each patient.
gender Gender of the patient (Male, Female, Other).
age Age of the patient.
hypertension Whether the patient has hypertension (0: No, 1: Yes).
heart_disease Whether the patient has heart disease (0: No, 1: Yes).
ever_married Marital status of the patient (No, Yes).
work_type Type of occupation (children, Govt_job, Never_worked, Private, Self-employed).
residence_type Type of residence (Rural, Urban).
avg_glucose_level Average glucose level in the blood.
bmi Body mass index.
smoking_status Smoking status (formerly smoked, never smoked, smokes, Unknown).
stroke Target variable indicating whether the patient had a stroke (0: No, 1: Yes).
  • Number of Instances: 5,110
  • Number of Features: 11
  • Target Variable: stroke (0: No Stroke, 1: Stroke)

Analysis Objectives

The analysis aims to:

  • Explore and visualize the data to understand the distribution of attributes and identify any missing or anomalous values.

  • Engineer features and prepare data.

  • Train multiple clustering models on the new engineered dataset and evaluate the performance of classification based on the clusters.

  • Train multiple dimensionality reduction models and evaluate the performance of classification based on the transformed data.

  • Identify the best-performing model and Feature engineering approach.

  • Provide recommendations for next steps and further optimization.

3. Data Exploration and Cleaning

Data Exploration

Besides the id the dataset includes ten features as listed above plus the target variable stroke . There are three numerical features: age, avg_glucose_level and bmi. The remaining seven features are all categorical. Out of the 5,110 observations in the dataset, 4861 were observed with no stroke and 249 patients had a stroke. The dataset could be classified as not balanced, which has to be addressed before model training. The variables of the dataset are shown below.

count unique top freq mean std min 25% 50% 75% max
gender 5110 3 Female 2994 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
age 5110.0 NaN NaN NaN 43.23 22.61 0.08 25.0 45.0 61.0 82.0
hypertension 5110.0 NaN NaN NaN 0.1 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0
heart_disease 5110.0 NaN NaN NaN 0.05 0.23 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0
ever_married 5110 2 Yes 3353 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
work_type 5110 5 Private 2925 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
Residence_type 5110 2 Urban 2596 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
avg_glucose_level 5110.0 NaN NaN NaN 106.15 45.28 55.12 77.24 91.88 114.09 271.74
bmi 4909.0 NaN NaN NaN 28.89 7.85 10.3 23.5 28.1 33.1 97.6
smoking_status 5110 4 never smoked 1892 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
stroke 5110.0 NaN NaN NaN 0.05 0.22 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0

To analyze distribution and correlation of the data we prepared a set of 4 plots for each of the variables despending on the type as follows:

  • Numerical Variables: The overall distribution of the variable, the distribution of the variable for non stroke observations, the distribution of the variable for stroke observations and the density distribution separated by stroke cases.

  • Categorical Variables: The overall distribution of the variable, the distribution of the variable for non stroke observations, the distribution of the variable for stroke observations and the distribution of stroke cases within the groups of the categorical variable.

Numerical Variables

The graphs for the three numerical variables are shown below. There isn't a meaningful correlation visible for BMI or the Average Glucose Level. In contrast Age shows a fairly strong dependency with the target variable.

Distribution of numerical variables

Stroke cases plotted versus Age show to be not equally distributed. The reported stroke cases can be more often found with increasing age. Body Mass Index and Average Glucose level do not show an obvious influence on stroke. The observation is confirmed in the pairplot below.

Correlation of numerical variables

Categorical Variables

The graphs for the seven categorical variables are shown below. There isn't a meaningful correlation visible for BMI or the Average Glucose Level. In contrast Age shows a fairly strong dependency with the target variable.

Distribution of categorical variables

If we analyze the group percentages and compare the distributions of the variables for stroke and non stroke cases we can identify Hypertension, Heat Disease and the Married Status as potential influence for stroke cases. We refer to further correlation analysis in Part 1.

Data Cleaning and Feature Engineering

To prepare the data for the further analysis and the modeling phase we will perform the following steps:

  • Handling Missing Values and Outliers: Address missing values as appropriate.
  • Encoding Categorical Variables: Convert categorical variables into numerical format using one-hot encoding.
  • Data Splitting: Split the data into training and testing sets.
  • Feature Scaling: Scale features to ensure they are on a similar scale.
  • Addressing unbalanced data: Balances the classes in the training set.

Handling Missing Values and outliers

There are 201 records with missing BMI value, from these 201 a count of 40 are stroke cases (Stroke =1). We will adjust the missing values by calculating the group mean BMI by gender, age and glucose level. Further we have to address two outlier stroke cases as well as some more unrealistic BMI outliers.

There are two stroke cases in very early years which can be regarded as outlier. These cases are rather caused by very rare circumstances and should not be part of a systemic data analysis. We drop the records with id 69768 and 49669.

162 245
id 69768 49669
gender Female Female
age 1.32 14.0
hypertension 0 0
heart_disease 0 0
ever_married No No
work_type children children
Residence_type Urban Rural
avg_glucose_level 70.37 57.93
bmi NaN 30.9
smoking_status Unknown Unknown
stroke 1 1

We also will drop some unrealistic BMI (Body Mass Index) records. A BMI over 70 is extremely high and generally not realistic for most individuals. BMI is calculated as weight in kg divided by height in meter squared For context, a BMI between 18.5 and 24.9 is considered normal weight, a BMI between 25 and 29.9 is considered overweight and a BMI of 30 or above is considered obese. A BMI over 70 would indicate severe obesity, which is very rare. For example, an individual with a BMI of 70 who is 1.75 meters tall (about 5 feet 9 inches) would weigh approximately 473 lbs. Accordingly we drop the records with ids 545,41097, 56420 and 51856.

544 928 2128 4209
id 545 41097 56420 51856
gender Male Female Male Male
age 42.0 23.0 17.0 38.0
hypertension 0 1 1 1
heart_disease 0 0 0 0
ever_married Yes No No Yes
work_type Private Private Private Private
Residence_type Rural Urban Rural Rural
avg_glucose_level 210.48 70.03 61.67 56.9
bmi 71.9 78.0 97.6 92.0
smoking_status never smoked smokes Unknown never smoked
stroke 0 0 0 0

4. Base model

In a prior analysis we evaluated different classification models with various resampling and cross validation approaches. During model training we evaluated four classification models: Logistic Regression, Decision Tree, Naive Bayes and AdaBoost. To optimize these models, we tuned hyperparameters using GridSearchCV with a 5-fold cross-validation. This approach ensures that our models are robust and generalize well to unseen data. In addition to hyperparameter tuning, we explored different resampling methods to address class imbalance, specifically using AdaSyn oversampling and TomekLinks undersampling. To comprehensively evaluate model performance, we varied the scoring metrics used in GridSearchCV, including F1 score, recall, and F-beta scores with beta values of 2 and 4. These varied scoring metrics will help us assess the models' ability to balance precision and recall, particularly emphasizing recall with the higher beta values in the F-beta score. This extensive evaluation process aims to identify the most effective model scoring and resampling strategy for predicting stroke risk.

To prepare the data for the modeling we will apply one hot encoding to all categorical variables. Two categorical variables are already encoded as numbers, these are 'hypertension' and 'heart_disease' . After performing the one hot encoding with omitting the default value (drop_first=true) the dataset is widened to 17 features including the target variable. In the next step we split the data in a ratio of 70/30 into training and test sets, whilst maintaining the class distribution with stratify=y. Scaling is crucial for ensuring that algorithms, which are sensitive to the scale of the input data, perform optimally and produce reliable results. We apply a MinMax scaler to the stroke data to normalize the features so that they have a value between 0 and 1.

Model Evaluation

The models where evaluated using the same training and test splits for all models to ensure fair comparison. The evaluation methods that were used to evaluate the models were:

Performance Indicators

  • Accuracy

  • Precision

  • Recall

  • F1 score as F1

  • FBeta score for beta=2 as F2

  • FBeta score for beta=4 as F4

Confusion Matrix

  • True positive (1) and False positive (1) counts
  • True negative (0) and False negative (0) counts

Below are the results for the best classification models found with a recall score larger than 0.7.

Resampling Scoring Model Precision Recall Accuracy F1 F2 F4
19 TomekLinks f1 AdaBoost 0.167 0.716 0.814 0.271 0.432 0.600
28 TomekLinks f4 Logistic Regression 0.140 0.784 0.757 0.237 0.408 0.617
20 TomekLinks recall Logistic Regression 0.140 0.784 0.757 0.237 0.408 0.617
24 TomekLinks f2 Logistic Regression 0.140 0.784 0.757 0.237 0.408 0.617
44 None f4 Logistic Regression 0.137 0.757 0.758 0.232 0.398 0.598
36 None recall Logistic Regression 0.137 0.757 0.758 0.232 0.398 0.598
45 None f4 Decision Tree 0.136 0.757 0.756 0.230 0.395 0.596
41 None f2 Decision Tree 0.136 0.757 0.756 0.230 0.395 0.596
37 None recall Decision Tree 0.136 0.757 0.756 0.230 0.395 0.596
33 None f1 Decision Tree 0.136 0.757 0.756 0.230 0.395 0.596
27 TomekLinks f2 AdaBoost 0.135 0.757 0.755 0.230 0.394 0.596
43 None f2 AdaBoost 0.134 0.743 0.757 0.228 0.390 0.587
21 TomekLinks recall Decision Tree 0.124 0.784 0.723 0.215 0.381 0.598
29 TomekLinks f4 Decision Tree 0.124 0.784 0.723 0.215 0.381 0.598
25 TomekLinks f2 Decision Tree 0.124 0.784 0.723 0.215 0.381 0.598
47 None f4 AdaBoost 0.104 0.905 0.618 0.186 0.356 0.623
31 TomekLinks f4 AdaBoost 0.104 0.905 0.617 0.186 0.355 0.622
16 TomekLinks f1 Logistic Regression 0.101 0.824 0.636 0.179 0.338 0.579
30 TomekLinks f4 Naive Bayes 0.086 0.959 0.505 0.158 0.316 0.600
46 None f4 Naive Bayes 0.086 0.959 0.503 0.157 0.316 0.600
11 Adasyn f2 AdaBoost 0.089 0.838 0.578 0.161 0.312 0.561
15 Adasyn f4 AdaBoost 0.072 1.000 0.381 0.135 0.281 0.570
2 Adasyn f1 Naive Bayes 0.079 0.770 0.554 0.143 0.279 0.508
10 Adasyn f2 Naive Bayes 0.070 0.959 0.379 0.130 0.270 0.548
14 Adasyn f4 Naive Bayes 0.065 1.000 0.309 0.123 0.259 0.543
32 None f1 Logistic Regression 0.064 1.000 0.290 0.120 0.254 0.536
40 None f2 Logistic Regression 0.064 1.000 0.290 0.120 0.254 0.536
38 None recall Naive Bayes 0.058 1.000 0.213 0.109 0.235 0.511
39 None recall AdaBoost 0.058 1.000 0.213 0.109 0.235 0.511
23 TomekLinks recall AdaBoost 0.058 1.000 0.213 0.109 0.235 0.511
22 TomekLinks recall Naive Bayes 0.058 1.000 0.213 0.109 0.235 0.511
7 Adasyn recall AdaBoost 0.057 1.000 0.204 0.108 0.233 0.508
6 Adasyn recall Naive Bayes 0.057 1.000 0.204 0.108 0.233 0.508
Resampling Scoring Model F2 True 1 True 0 False 1 False 0
19 TomekLinks f1 AdaBoost 0.432 53 1194 264 21
28 TomekLinks f4 Logistic Regression 0.408 58 1101 357 16
20 TomekLinks recall Logistic Regression 0.408 58 1101 357 16
24 TomekLinks f2 Logistic Regression 0.408 58 1101 357 16
44 None f4 Logistic Regression 0.398 56 1106 352 18
36 None recall Logistic Regression 0.398 56 1106 352 18
45 None f4 Decision Tree 0.395 56 1102 356 18
41 None f2 Decision Tree 0.395 56 1102 356 18
37 None recall Decision Tree 0.395 56 1102 356 18
33 None f1 Decision Tree 0.395 56 1102 356 18
27 TomekLinks f2 AdaBoost 0.394 56 1100 358 18
43 None f2 AdaBoost 0.390 55 1104 354 19
21 TomekLinks recall Decision Tree 0.381 58 1050 408 16
29 TomekLinks f4 Decision Tree 0.381 58 1050 408 16
25 TomekLinks f2 Decision Tree 0.381 58 1050 408 16
47 None f4 AdaBoost 0.356 67 880 578 7
31 TomekLinks f4 AdaBoost 0.355 67 878 580 7
16 TomekLinks f1 Logistic Regression 0.338 61 913 545 13
30 TomekLinks f4 Naive Bayes 0.316 71 702 756 3
46 None f4 Naive Bayes 0.316 71 700 758 3
11 Adasyn f2 AdaBoost 0.312 62 824 634 12
15 Adasyn f4 AdaBoost 0.281 74 510 948 0
2 Adasyn f1 Naive Bayes 0.279 57 791 667 17
10 Adasyn f2 Naive Bayes 0.270 71 510 948 3
14 Adasyn f4 Naive Bayes 0.259 74 399 1059 0
32 None f1 Logistic Regression 0.254 74 370 1088 0
40 None f2 Logistic Regression 0.254 74 370 1088 0
38 None recall Naive Bayes 0.235 74 253 1205 0
39 None recall AdaBoost 0.235 74 253 1205 0
23 TomekLinks recall AdaBoost 0.235 74 253 1205 0
22 TomekLinks recall Naive Bayes 0.235 74 253 1205 0
7 Adasyn recall AdaBoost 0.233 74 238 1220 0
6 Adasyn recall Naive Bayes 0.233 74 238 1220 0

The best models depending on the scoring metric are shown below.

Best Accuracy Best Precision Best Recall Best F1 Best F2 Best F4
Model ID 1 17 15 19 19 47
Resampling Adasyn TomekLinks Adasyn TomekLinks TomekLinks None
Scoring f1 f1 f4 f1 f1 f4
Model Decision Tree Decision Tree AdaBoost AdaBoost AdaBoost AdaBoost
Precision 0.1298 0.1673 0.0724 0.1672 0.1672 0.1039
Recall 0.2297 0.5676 1.0 0.7162 0.7162 0.9054
Accuracy 0.8884 0.8427 0.3812 0.814 0.814 0.6181
F1 0.1659 0.2585 0.135 0.2711 0.2711 0.1864
F2 0.1991 0.3839 0.2807 0.4323 0.4323 0.356
F4 0.2198 0.4976 0.5703 0.6003 0.6003 0.6227
True 1 17 42 74 53 53 67
True 0 1344 1249 510 1194 1194 880
False 1 114 209 948 264 264 578
False 0 57 32 0 21 21 7

Best base classification models Confusion matrix

5. K Means, DBSCAN and Agglomerative Clustering

Having understood the complexity of the data we will try to segment the data into clusters, which we plan to use in our improvement approaches for the classification models. We will apply three different clustering algorithms K Means, DBSCAN (Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise) and Agglomerative Clustering. For all methods we will include All Features but not the target variable Stroke. As a result we will enrich our dataset with one column per approach that defines the Cluster of the record. In case of DBSCAN we can also record a negative one as marker for noise not belonging to any cluster. The three clustering approaches are KMeans, DBSCAN and Agglomerative Clustering.


We will perform KMeans clustering over all features of the dataset and determine the best K as number of clusters. First we will apply a StandardScaler and recode all categorical features to numeric format.

count mean std min 25% 50% 75% max
gender 5104.0 0.0 1.0 -0.840 -0.840 -0.840 1.188 3.217
age 5104.0 -0.0 1.0 -1.910 -0.807 0.077 0.785 1.714
hypertension 5104.0 -0.0 1.0 -0.328 -0.328 -0.328 -0.328 3.051
heart_disease 5104.0 0.0 1.0 -0.239 -0.239 -0.239 -0.239 4.182
ever_married 5104.0 -0.0 1.0 -1.383 -1.383 0.723 0.723 0.723
work_type 5104.0 -0.0 1.0 -1.988 -0.153 -0.153 0.764 1.681
Residence_type 5104.0 0.0 1.0 -1.017 -1.017 0.984 0.984 0.984
smoking_status 5104.0 -0.0 1.0 -1.286 -1.286 0.581 0.581 1.515
glucose_group 5104.0 0.0 1.0 -0.412 -0.412 -0.412 -0.412 2.945
bmi_group 5104.0 -0.0 1.0 -2.129 -1.079 -0.030 1.020 1.020

Below you can see the resulting graph showing inertia values over number of clusters K.

Elbow curve - Inertia over number of clusters

From the ellbow curve we identify K=10 as significant candidate for the ellbow point and will rerun KMean for K=9 and include it in our data set. Below you can see the resulting distributions for the continuos variable Age as Violinplot differentiated by cluster, as well as the Distribution for the categorical variables for Heart Disease, Hypertension.

KMeanAF Total Stroke Not_Stroke
0 0 761 32 729
1 1 850 3 847
2 2 463 24 439
3 3 274 24 250
4 4 470 23 447
5 5 717 0 717
6 6 276 47 229
7 7 498 24 474
8 8 364 17 347
9 9 431 53 378

Cluster distribution

We can see that cluster label 5 has patients segmented without stroke. Cluster label 6 shows the highest percentage of stroke cases per segment. Below you can see the resulting distributions for the continuos variables Age, Avg Glucose Level and BMI as Violinplot differentiated by cluster, as well as the Distribution for the categorical variables for Heart Disease, Hypertension.

KMean cluster - Distribution of Age, Glucose and BMI Groups

KMean cluster - Distribution of Hypertension, Heart disease and Stroke


Next we will perform DBSCAN clustering over all features of the dataset and determine. The number of clusters are optimized by DBSCAN itself. As before, we will apply a StandardScaler and recode all categorical features to numeric format.

count mean std min 25% 50% 75% max
gender 5104.0 0.0 1.0 -0.840 -0.840 -0.840 1.188 3.217
age 5104.0 -0.0 1.0 -1.910 -0.807 0.077 0.785 1.714
hypertension 5104.0 -0.0 1.0 -0.328 -0.328 -0.328 -0.328 3.051
heart_disease 5104.0 0.0 1.0 -0.239 -0.239 -0.239 -0.239 4.182
ever_married 5104.0 -0.0 1.0 -1.383 -1.383 0.723 0.723 0.723
work_type 5104.0 -0.0 1.0 -1.988 -0.153 -0.153 0.764 1.681
Residence_type 5104.0 0.0 1.0 -1.017 -1.017 0.984 0.984 0.984
smoking_status 5104.0 -0.0 1.0 -1.286 -1.286 0.581 0.581 1.515
glucose_group 5104.0 0.0 1.0 -0.412 -0.412 -0.412 -0.412 2.945
bmi_group 5104.0 -0.0 1.0 -2.129 -1.079 -0.030 1.020 1.020

Below you can see the result. DBSCAN calculated 4 clusters and identified 2 records as noise.

DBSCANAF Total Stroke Not_Stroke
0 -1 3 0 3
1 0 211 34 177
2 1 4397 147 4250
3 2 431 53 378
4 3 62 13 49

Cluster distribution

We can see that cluster label 1 has the majority of all observations and also the smallest stroke percentage.There were three observations classified as noise, all non stroke patients. Below you can see the resulting distributions for the continuos variables Age, Avg Glucose Level and BMI as Violinplot differentiated by cluster, as well as the Distribution for the categorical variables for Heart Disease, Hypertension.

DBSCAN cluster-distribution for Age, glucose level and bmi

DBSCAN cluster-distribution for Hypertension, Heart disease and stroke

Agglomerative Clustering SF

Next we will perform Agglomerative Clustering over all features of the dataset and determine the best n as number of clusters. As before, we will apply a StandardScaler and recode all categorical features to numeric format.

count mean std min 25% 50% 75% max
gender 5104.0 0.0 1.0 -0.840 -0.840 -0.840 1.188 3.217
age 5104.0 -0.0 1.0 -1.910 -0.807 0.077 0.785 1.714
hypertension 5104.0 -0.0 1.0 -0.328 -0.328 -0.328 -0.328 3.051
heart_disease 5104.0 0.0 1.0 -0.239 -0.239 -0.239 -0.239 4.182
ever_married 5104.0 -0.0 1.0 -1.383 -1.383 0.723 0.723 0.723
work_type 5104.0 -0.0 1.0 -1.988 -0.153 -0.153 0.764 1.681
Residence_type 5104.0 0.0 1.0 -1.017 -1.017 0.984 0.984 0.984
smoking_status 5104.0 -0.0 1.0 -1.286 -1.286 0.581 0.581 1.515
glucose_group 5104.0 0.0 1.0 -0.412 -0.412 -0.412 -0.412 2.945
bmi_group 5104.0 -0.0 1.0 -2.129 -1.079 -0.030 1.020 1.020

Below you can see the resulting graph showing silhouettes scores over number of clusters n for the selected features.

Silhouettes Scores for different linkage parameters

For the selected features we select n=9 as best candidate and will rerun the Agglomerative Clustering for n=9 and ward linkage and include it in our data set. Below you can see the resulting distribution and cluster counts.

AggloAF Total Stroke Not_Stroke
0 0 966 13 953
1 1 645 0 645
2 2 696 35 661
3 3 431 53 378
4 4 587 21 566
5 5 505 42 463
6 6 276 47 229
7 7 377 11 366
8 8 621 25 596

Cluster distribution

We can see that cluster label 1 has patients segmented without stroke. Cluster label 6 shows the highest percentage of stroke cases per segment. Below you can see the resulting distributions for the continuos variables Age, Avg Glucose Level and BMI as Violinplot differentiated by cluster, as well as the Distribution for the categorical variables for Heart Disease, Hypertension.

Agglomerative Clustering cluster-distribution for Age, glucose level and bmi

Agglomerative Clustering cluster-distribution for Hypertension, Heart disease and stroke

Cluster based classification

We can now analyze the quality of the clusters and use the results to create additional features and use these clusters as part of the feature set for classification. We will apply the same classification algorithms as for the base models and will apply resampling methods as before. The table below shows the results for models with a recall of greater than 0.7.

Clustering Resampling Scoring Model Precision Recall Accuracy F1 F2 F4
83 AggloAF TomekLinks f1 AdaBoost 0.167 0.703 0.816 0.269 0.428 0.591
51 DBSCANAF TomekLinks f1 AdaBoost 0.154 0.703 0.799 0.253 0.411 0.581
59 DBSCANAF TomekLinks f2 AdaBoost 0.133 0.743 0.752 0.225 0.387 0.585
60 DBSCANAF TomekLinks f4 Logistic Regression 0.130 0.716 0.754 0.220 0.376 0.566
56 DBSCANAF TomekLinks f2 Logistic Regression 0.130 0.716 0.754 0.220 0.376 0.566
95 AggloAF TomekLinks f4 AdaBoost 0.118 0.824 0.694 0.206 0.375 0.610
91 AggloAF TomekLinks f2 AdaBoost 0.118 0.824 0.694 0.206 0.375 0.610
27 KMeanAF TomekLinks f2 AdaBoost 0.116 0.824 0.687 0.203 0.371 0.606
19 KMeanAF TomekLinks f1 AdaBoost 0.116 0.824 0.687 0.203 0.371 0.606
31 KMeanAF TomekLinks f4 AdaBoost 0.116 0.824 0.687 0.203 0.371 0.606
48 DBSCANAF TomekLinks f1 Logistic Regression 0.121 0.757 0.722 0.208 0.368 0.578
20 KMeanAF TomekLinks recall Logistic Regression 0.109 0.892 0.644 0.195 0.367 0.628
28 KMeanAF TomekLinks f4 Logistic Regression 0.109 0.892 0.644 0.195 0.367 0.628
24 KMeanAF TomekLinks f2 Logistic Regression 0.109 0.892 0.644 0.195 0.367 0.628
16 KMeanAF TomekLinks f1 Logistic Regression 0.109 0.892 0.644 0.195 0.367 0.628
63 DBSCANAF TomekLinks f4 AdaBoost 0.106 0.919 0.620 0.189 0.362 0.632
21 KMeanAF TomekLinks recall Decision Tree 0.113 0.784 0.692 0.197 0.358 0.581
66 AggloAF Adasyn f1 Naive Bayes 0.112 0.784 0.689 0.196 0.356 0.579
89 AggloAF TomekLinks f2 Decision Tree 0.117 0.716 0.726 0.202 0.354 0.551
75 AggloAF Adasyn f2 AdaBoost 0.102 0.919 0.605 0.184 0.353 0.625
26 KMeanAF TomekLinks f2 Naive Bayes 0.106 0.770 0.676 0.187 0.342 0.563
18 KMeanAF TomekLinks f1 Naive Bayes 0.106 0.770 0.676 0.187 0.342 0.563
15 KMeanAF Adasyn f4 AdaBoost 0.093 0.932 0.560 0.170 0.334 0.610
11 KMeanAF Adasyn f2 AdaBoost 0.093 0.932 0.560 0.170 0.334 0.610
43 DBSCANAF Adasyn f2 AdaBoost 0.095 0.892 0.584 0.172 0.333 0.597
94 AggloAF TomekLinks f4 Naive Bayes 0.094 0.905 0.573 0.170 0.332 0.600
80 AggloAF TomekLinks f1 Logistic Regression 0.091 0.932 0.547 0.166 0.327 0.604
62 DBSCANAF TomekLinks f4 Naive Bayes 0.093 0.838 0.596 0.167 0.322 0.569
30 KMeanAF TomekLinks f4 Naive Bayes 0.084 0.946 0.496 0.154 0.309 0.589
79 AggloAF Adasyn f4 AdaBoost 0.079 0.986 0.445 0.146 0.299 0.589
34 DBSCANAF Adasyn f1 Naive Bayes 0.085 0.784 0.580 0.153 0.296 0.528
47 DBSCANAF Adasyn f4 AdaBoost 0.074 1.000 0.398 0.138 0.287 0.577
14 KMeanAF Adasyn f4 Naive Bayes 0.075 0.959 0.428 0.139 0.286 0.567
6 KMeanAF Adasyn recall Naive Bayes 0.075 0.959 0.428 0.139 0.286 0.567
42 DBSCANAF Adasyn f2 Naive Bayes 0.076 0.865 0.483 0.139 0.280 0.536
10 KMeanAF Adasyn f2 Naive Bayes 0.078 0.811 0.525 0.142 0.280 0.521
22 KMeanAF TomekLinks recall Naive Bayes 0.070 1.000 0.362 0.131 0.274 0.563
46 DBSCANAF Adasyn f4 Naive Bayes 0.070 0.932 0.401 0.131 0.270 0.542
7 KMeanAF Adasyn recall AdaBoost 0.068 1.000 0.336 0.127 0.267 0.553
78 AggloAF Adasyn f4 Naive Bayes 0.064 0.973 0.315 0.121 0.254 0.531
74 AggloAF Adasyn f2 Naive Bayes 0.065 0.905 0.366 0.121 0.252 0.514
70 AggloAF Adasyn recall Naive Bayes 0.061 0.973 0.279 0.115 0.245 0.519
55 DBSCANAF TomekLinks recall AdaBoost 0.059 1.000 0.233 0.112 0.239 0.517
Clustering Resampling Scoring Model F4 True 1 True 0 False 1 False 0
83 AggloAF TomekLinks f1 AdaBoost 0.591 52 1198 260 22
51 DBSCANAF TomekLinks f1 AdaBoost 0.581 52 1172 285 22
59 DBSCANAF TomekLinks f2 AdaBoost 0.585 55 1097 360 19
60 DBSCANAF TomekLinks f4 Logistic Regression 0.566 53 1102 355 21
56 DBSCANAF TomekLinks f2 Logistic Regression 0.566 53 1102 355 21
95 AggloAF TomekLinks f4 AdaBoost 0.610 61 1002 456 13
91 AggloAF TomekLinks f2 AdaBoost 0.610 61 1002 456 13
27 KMeanAF TomekLinks f2 AdaBoost 0.606 61 992 466 13
19 KMeanAF TomekLinks f1 AdaBoost 0.606 61 992 466 13
31 KMeanAF TomekLinks f4 AdaBoost 0.606 61 992 466 13
48 DBSCANAF TomekLinks f1 Logistic Regression 0.578 56 1049 408 18
20 KMeanAF TomekLinks recall Logistic Regression 0.628 66 921 537 8
28 KMeanAF TomekLinks f4 Logistic Regression 0.628 66 921 537 8
24 KMeanAF TomekLinks f2 Logistic Regression 0.628 66 921 537 8
16 KMeanAF TomekLinks f1 Logistic Regression 0.628 66 921 537 8
63 DBSCANAF TomekLinks f4 AdaBoost 0.632 68 881 576 6
21 KMeanAF TomekLinks recall Decision Tree 0.581 58 1002 456 16
66 AggloAF Adasyn f1 Naive Bayes 0.579 58 997 461 16
89 AggloAF TomekLinks f2 Decision Tree 0.551 53 1059 399 21
75 AggloAF Adasyn f2 AdaBoost 0.625 68 859 599 6
26 KMeanAF TomekLinks f2 Naive Bayes 0.563 57 978 480 17
18 KMeanAF TomekLinks f1 Naive Bayes 0.563 57 978 480 17
15 KMeanAF Adasyn f4 AdaBoost 0.610 69 789 669 5
11 KMeanAF Adasyn f2 AdaBoost 0.610 69 789 669 5
43 DBSCANAF Adasyn f2 AdaBoost 0.597 66 828 629 8
94 AggloAF TomekLinks f4 Naive Bayes 0.600 67 811 647 7
80 AggloAF TomekLinks f1 Logistic Regression 0.604 69 769 689 5
62 DBSCANAF TomekLinks f4 Naive Bayes 0.569 62 851 606 12
30 KMeanAF TomekLinks f4 Naive Bayes 0.589 70 690 768 4
79 AggloAF Adasyn f4 AdaBoost 0.589 73 608 850 1
34 DBSCANAF Adasyn f1 Naive Bayes 0.528 58 830 627 16
47 DBSCANAF Adasyn f4 AdaBoost 0.577 74 536 921 0
14 KMeanAF Adasyn f4 Naive Bayes 0.567 71 585 873 3
6 KMeanAF Adasyn recall Naive Bayes 0.567 71 585 873 3
42 DBSCANAF Adasyn f2 Naive Bayes 0.536 64 676 781 10
10 KMeanAF Adasyn f2 Naive Bayes 0.521 60 744 714 14
22 KMeanAF TomekLinks recall Naive Bayes 0.563 74 480 978 0
46 DBSCANAF Adasyn f4 Naive Bayes 0.542 69 545 912 5
7 KMeanAF Adasyn recall AdaBoost 0.553 74 440 1018 0
78 AggloAF Adasyn f4 Naive Bayes 0.531 72 410 1048 2
74 AggloAF Adasyn f2 Naive Bayes 0.514 67 493 965 7
70 AggloAF Adasyn recall Naive Bayes 0.519 72 355 1103 2
55 DBSCANAF TomekLinks recall AdaBoost 0.517 74 282 1175 0

The best models depending on the scoring metric are shown below.

Best Accuracy Best Precision Best Recall Best F1 Best F2 Best F4
Model ID 84 64 47 83 83 63
Clustering AggloAF AggloAF DBSCANAF AggloAF AggloAF DBSCANAF
Resampling TomekLinks Adasyn Adasyn TomekLinks TomekLinks TomekLinks
Scoring recall f1 f4 f1 f1 f4
Model Logistic Reg Logistic Reg AdaBoost AdaBoost AdaBoost AdaBoost
Precision 0.0 0.1901 0.0744 0.1667 0.1667 0.1056
Recall 0.0 0.3108 1.0 0.7027 0.7027 0.9189
Accuracy 0.9517 0.9027 0.3984 0.8159 0.8159 0.6199
F1 0.0 0.2359 0.1384 0.2694 0.2694 0.1894
F2 0.0 0.2758 0.2866 0.4276 0.4276 0.3617
F4 0.0 0.2996 0.5773 0.5909 0.5909 0.6324
True 1 0 23 74 52 52 68
True 0 1458 1360 536 1198 1198 881
False 1 0 98 921 260 260 576
False 0 74 51 0 22 22 6

Confusion matrix - Best models for Cluster based Classification

Cluster only classification

Next we will evaluate the clustering results using only the cluster labels as feature and the stroke variable as target.

Clustering Resampling Scoring Model Precision Recall Accuracy F1 F2 F4
1 KMeanAF Adasyn f1 Decision Tree 0.082 0.716 0.597 0.146 0.280 0.491
9 KMeanAF Adasyn f2 Decision Tree 0.082 0.716 0.597 0.146 0.280 0.491
13 KMeanAF Adasyn f4 Decision Tree 0.082 0.716 0.597 0.146 0.280 0.491
95 AggloAF TomekLinks f4 AdaBoost 0.074 0.919 0.441 0.137 0.280 0.550
5 KMeanAF Adasyn recall Decision Tree 0.082 0.716 0.597 0.146 0.280 0.491
11 KMeanAF Adasyn f2 AdaBoost 0.070 1.000 0.361 0.131 0.274 0.562
8 KMeanAF Adasyn f2 Logistic Regression 0.070 1.000 0.361 0.131 0.274 0.562
6 KMeanAF Adasyn recall Naive Bayes 0.070 1.000 0.361 0.131 0.274 0.562
3 KMeanAF Adasyn f1 AdaBoost 0.070 1.000 0.361 0.131 0.274 0.562
2 KMeanAF Adasyn f1 Naive Bayes 0.070 1.000 0.361 0.131 0.274 0.562
10 KMeanAF Adasyn f2 Naive Bayes 0.070 1.000 0.361 0.131 0.274 0.562
4 KMeanAF Adasyn recall Logistic Regression 0.070 1.000 0.361 0.131 0.274 0.562
23 KMeanAF TomekLinks recall AdaBoost 0.070 1.000 0.361 0.131 0.274 0.562
0 KMeanAF Adasyn f1 Logistic Regression 0.070 1.000 0.361 0.131 0.274 0.562
15 KMeanAF Adasyn f4 AdaBoost 0.070 1.000 0.361 0.131 0.274 0.562
22 KMeanAF TomekLinks recall Naive Bayes 0.070 1.000 0.361 0.131 0.274 0.562
30 KMeanAF TomekLinks f4 Naive Bayes 0.070 1.000 0.361 0.131 0.274 0.562
31 KMeanAF TomekLinks f4 AdaBoost 0.070 1.000 0.361 0.131 0.274 0.562
12 KMeanAF Adasyn f4 Logistic Regression 0.070 1.000 0.361 0.131 0.274 0.562
14 KMeanAF Adasyn f4 Naive Bayes 0.070 1.000 0.361 0.131 0.274 0.562
67 AggloAF Adasyn f1 AdaBoost 0.067 0.946 0.364 0.126 0.262 0.535
7 KMeanAF Adasyn recall AdaBoost 0.057 1.000 0.198 0.108 0.232 0.506
84 AggloAF TomekLinks recall Logistic Regression 0.056 1.000 0.187 0.106 0.229 0.502
94 AggloAF TomekLinks f4 Naive Bayes 0.056 1.000 0.187 0.106 0.229 0.502
92 AggloAF TomekLinks f4 Logistic Regression 0.056 1.000 0.187 0.106 0.229 0.502
87 AggloAF TomekLinks recall AdaBoost 0.056 1.000 0.187 0.106 0.229 0.502
86 AggloAF TomekLinks recall Naive Bayes 0.056 1.000 0.187 0.106 0.229 0.502
70 AggloAF Adasyn recall Naive Bayes 0.056 1.000 0.187 0.106 0.229 0.502
79 AggloAF Adasyn f4 AdaBoost 0.056 1.000 0.187 0.106 0.229 0.502
78 AggloAF Adasyn f4 Naive Bayes 0.056 1.000 0.187 0.106 0.229 0.502
75 AggloAF Adasyn f2 AdaBoost 0.056 1.000 0.187 0.106 0.229 0.502
74 AggloAF Adasyn f2 Naive Bayes 0.056 1.000 0.187 0.106 0.229 0.502
66 AggloAF Adasyn f1 Naive Bayes 0.056 1.000 0.187 0.106 0.229 0.502
71 AggloAF Adasyn recall AdaBoost 0.056 1.000 0.187 0.106 0.229 0.502
Clustering Resampling Scoring Model F4 True 1 True 0 False 1 False 0
1 KMeanAF Adasyn f1 Decision Tree 0.491 53 861 597 21
9 KMeanAF Adasyn f2 Decision Tree 0.491 53 861 597 21
13 KMeanAF Adasyn f4 Decision Tree 0.491 53 861 597 21
95 AggloAF TomekLinks f4 AdaBoost 0.550 68 608 850 6
5 KMeanAF Adasyn recall Decision Tree 0.491 53 861 597 21
11 KMeanAF Adasyn f2 AdaBoost 0.562 74 479 979 0
8 KMeanAF Adasyn f2 Logistic Regression 0.562 74 479 979 0
6 KMeanAF Adasyn recall Naive Bayes 0.562 74 479 979 0
3 KMeanAF Adasyn f1 AdaBoost 0.562 74 479 979 0
2 KMeanAF Adasyn f1 Naive Bayes 0.562 74 479 979 0
10 KMeanAF Adasyn f2 Naive Bayes 0.562 74 479 979 0
4 KMeanAF Adasyn recall Logistic Regression 0.562 74 479 979 0
23 KMeanAF TomekLinks recall AdaBoost 0.562 74 479 979 0
0 KMeanAF Adasyn f1 Logistic Regression 0.562 74 479 979 0
15 KMeanAF Adasyn f4 AdaBoost 0.562 74 479 979 0
22 KMeanAF TomekLinks recall Naive Bayes 0.562 74 479 979 0
30 KMeanAF TomekLinks f4 Naive Bayes 0.562 74 479 979 0
31 KMeanAF TomekLinks f4 AdaBoost 0.562 74 479 979 0
12 KMeanAF Adasyn f4 Logistic Regression 0.562 74 479 979 0
14 KMeanAF Adasyn f4 Naive Bayes 0.562 74 479 979 0
67 AggloAF Adasyn f1 AdaBoost 0.535 70 488 970 4
7 KMeanAF Adasyn recall AdaBoost 0.506 74 230 1228 0
84 AggloAF TomekLinks recall Logistic Regression 0.502 74 212 1246 0
94 AggloAF TomekLinks f4 Naive Bayes 0.502 74 212 1246 0
92 AggloAF TomekLinks f4 Logistic Regression 0.502 74 212 1246 0
87 AggloAF TomekLinks recall AdaBoost 0.502 74 212 1246 0
86 AggloAF TomekLinks recall Naive Bayes 0.502 74 212 1246 0
70 AggloAF Adasyn recall Naive Bayes 0.502 74 212 1246 0
79 AggloAF Adasyn f4 AdaBoost 0.502 74 212 1246 0
78 AggloAF Adasyn f4 Naive Bayes 0.502 74 212 1246 0
75 AggloAF Adasyn f2 AdaBoost 0.502 74 212 1246 0
74 AggloAF Adasyn f2 Naive Bayes 0.502 74 212 1246 0
66 AggloAF Adasyn f1 Naive Bayes 0.502 74 212 1246 0
71 AggloAF Adasyn recall AdaBoost 0.502 74 212 1246 0

The best models depending on the scoring metric are shown below.

Best Accuracy Best Precision Best Recall Best F1 Best F2 Best F4
Model ID 48 50 0 32 32 0
Resampling TomekLinks TomekLinks Adasyn Adasyn Adasyn Adasyn
Scoring f1 f1 f1 f1 f1 f1
Model Logistic Reg Naive Bayes Logistic Reg Logistic Reg Logistic Reg Logistic Reg
Precision 0.1636 0.188 0.0703 0.1809 0.1809 0.0703
Recall 0.1216 0.3378 1.0 0.4595 0.4595 1.0
Accuracy 0.9275 0.8975 0.361 0.8733 0.8733 0.361
F1 0.1395 0.2415 0.1313 0.2595 0.2595 0.1313
F2 0.1282 0.2914 0.2743 0.3512 0.3512 0.2743
F4 0.1235 0.3227 0.5624 0.4213 0.4213 0.5624
True 1 9 25 74 34 34 74
True 0 1411 1349 479 1303 1303 479
False 1 46 108 979 154 154 979
False 0 65 49 0 40 40 0

Confusion Matrix - Best models for Cluster only Classification

Classification within the clusters

As suggested we will adjust our approach now and fit classification models for each cluster individually. We evaluated with either over-sampling or no resampling as the size of the clusters would result in small counts of observations with under-sampling. We evaluate the results in two variations:

  • Same model for all clusters: We apply the model sae model to all clusters and calculate the performance based on the aggregated confusion matrix.

  • Best model per cluster: We select the best performing model per cluster label and calculate the performance based on the aggregated confusion matrix.

Results for Same Model for all Cluster

Clustering Model Resampling Scoring Precision Recall Accuracy F1 F2 F4
22 AggloAF Logistic Regression None f4 0.1163 0.6667 0.7741 0.1980 0.3425 0.5215
84 KMeanAF Logistic Regression None f1 0.1201 0.5811 0.8100 0.1991 0.3287 0.4741
85 KMeanAF Logistic Regression None f2 0.1201 0.5811 0.8100 0.1991 0.3287 0.4741
45 DBSCANAF Decision Tree None f2 0.1250 0.5541 0.7913 0.2040 0.3285 0.4610
77 KMeanAF Decision Tree None f2 0.1333 0.5135 0.8446 0.2117 0.3270 0.4398
44 DBSCANAF Decision Tree None f1 0.1329 0.5135 0.8147 0.2111 0.3265 0.4395
86 KMeanAF Logistic Regression None f4 0.1103 0.6216 0.7809 0.1874 0.3226 0.4884
29 AggloAF Naive Bayes None f2 0.1242 0.5200 0.8265 0.2005 0.3176 0.4379
47 DBSCANAF Decision Tree None recall 0.1114 0.5541 0.7652 0.1855 0.3087 0.4491
46 DBSCANAF Decision Tree None f4 0.1114 0.5541 0.7652 0.1855 0.3087 0.4491
3 AggloAF AdaBoost Adasyn recall 0.0996 0.6000 0.7563 0.1708 0.2992 0.4631
93 KMeanAF Naive Bayes None f2 0.1176 0.4865 0.8309 0.1895 0.2990 0.4107
2 AggloAF AdaBoost Adasyn f4 0.1153 0.4933 0.8204 0.1869 0.2979 0.4135
21 AggloAF Logistic Regression None f2 0.0928 0.6400 0.7234 0.1622 0.2938 0.4752
23 AggloAF Logistic Regression None recall 0.1020 0.5467 0.7797 0.1719 0.2920 0.4351
78 KMeanAF Decision Tree None f4 0.1095 0.5000 0.8144 0.1796 0.2918 0.4133
61 DBSCANAF Naive Bayes None f2 0.1023 0.5405 0.7489 0.1720 0.2911 0.4317
20 AggloAF Logistic Regression None f1 0.0935 0.6133 0.7351 0.1623 0.2904 0.4622
94 KMeanAF Naive Bayes None f4 0.1066 0.5000 0.8094 0.1758 0.2877 0.4108
33 DBSCANAF AdaBoost Adasyn f2 0.0854 0.7027 0.6223 0.1523 0.2873 0.4930
87 KMeanAF Logistic Regression None recall 0.1134 0.4459 0.8358 0.1808 0.2811 0.3803
79 KMeanAF Decision Tree None recall 0.1016 0.5000 0.8001 0.1689 0.2803 0.4063
62 DBSCANAF Naive Bayes None f4 0.0817 0.6622 0.6243 0.1454 0.2734 0.4669
30 AggloAF Naive Bayes None f4 0.0870 0.5600 0.7356 0.1505 0.2682 0.4242
67 KMeanAF AdaBoost Adasyn recall 0.1006 0.4595 0.8111 0.1650 0.2681 0.3798
95 KMeanAF Naive Bayes None recall 0.0823 0.6081 0.7084 0.1449 0.2669 0.4419
91 KMeanAF Naive Bayes Adasyn recall 0.0751 0.5676 0.6985 0.1327 0.2456 0.4096
27 AggloAF Naive Bayes Adasyn recall 0.0743 0.5733 0.6832 0.1315 0.2446 0.4109
89 KMeanAF Naive Bayes Adasyn f2 0.0752 0.5541 0.7051 0.1325 0.2438 0.4031
90 KMeanAF Naive Bayes Adasyn f4 0.0750 0.5541 0.7040 0.1320 0.2432 0.4027
38 DBSCANAF AdaBoost None f4 0.0673 0.6622 0.5408 0.1222 0.2393 0.4357
39 DBSCANAF AdaBoost None recall 0.0673 0.6622 0.5408 0.1222 0.2393 0.4357
56 DBSCANAF Naive Bayes Adasyn f1 0.0643 0.6216 0.5453 0.1166 0.2275 0.4118
70 KMeanAF AdaBoost None f4 0.0662 0.5270 0.6787 0.1176 0.2203 0.3739
Clustering Model Resampling Scoring F2 True 1 True 0 False 1 False 0
22 AggloAF Logistic Regression None f4 0.3425 50 1338 380 25
84 KMeanAF Logistic Regression None f1 0.3287 43 1432 315 31
85 KMeanAF Logistic Regression None f2 0.3287 43 1432 315 31
45 DBSCANAF Decision Tree None f2 0.3285 41 1172 287 33
77 KMeanAF Decision Tree None f2 0.3270 38 1500 247 36
44 DBSCANAF Decision Tree None f1 0.3265 38 1211 248 36
86 KMeanAF Logistic Regression None f4 0.3226 46 1376 371 28
29 AggloAF Naive Bayes None f2 0.3176 39 1443 275 36
47 DBSCANAF Decision Tree None recall 0.3087 41 1132 327 33
46 DBSCANAF Decision Tree None f4 0.3087 41 1132 327 33
3 AggloAF AdaBoost Adasyn recall 0.2992 45 1311 407 30
93 KMeanAF Naive Bayes None f2 0.2990 36 1477 270 38
2 AggloAF AdaBoost Adasyn f4 0.2979 37 1434 284 38
21 AggloAF Logistic Regression None f2 0.2938 48 1249 469 27
23 AggloAF Logistic Regression None recall 0.2920 41 1357 361 34
78 KMeanAF Decision Tree None f4 0.2918 37 1446 301 37
61 DBSCANAF Naive Bayes None f2 0.2911 40 1108 351 34
20 AggloAF Logistic Regression None f1 0.2904 46 1272 446 29
94 KMeanAF Naive Bayes None f4 0.2877 37 1437 310 37
33 DBSCANAF AdaBoost Adasyn f2 0.2873 52 902 557 22
87 KMeanAF Logistic Regression None recall 0.2811 33 1489 258 41
79 KMeanAF Decision Tree None recall 0.2803 37 1420 327 37
62 DBSCANAF Naive Bayes None f4 0.2734 49 908 551 25
30 AggloAF Naive Bayes None f4 0.2682 42 1277 441 33
67 KMeanAF AdaBoost Adasyn recall 0.2681 34 1443 304 40
95 KMeanAF Naive Bayes None recall 0.2669 45 1245 502 29
91 KMeanAF Naive Bayes Adasyn recall 0.2456 42 1230 517 32
27 AggloAF Naive Bayes Adasyn recall 0.2446 43 1182 536 32
89 KMeanAF Naive Bayes Adasyn f2 0.2438 41 1243 504 33
90 KMeanAF Naive Bayes Adasyn f4 0.2432 41 1241 506 33
38 DBSCANAF AdaBoost None f4 0.2393 49 780 679 25
39 DBSCANAF AdaBoost None recall 0.2393 49 780 679 25
56 DBSCANAF Naive Bayes Adasyn f1 0.2275 46 790 669 28
70 KMeanAF AdaBoost None f4 0.2203 39 1197 550 35

The best models depending on the scoring metric are shown below.

Best Accuracy Best Precision Best Recall Best F1 Best F2 Best F4
Model ID 77 77 34 77 22 22
Clustering KMeanAF KMeanAF DBSCANAF KMeanAF AggloAF AggloAF
Model Decision Tree Decision Tree AdaBoost Decision Tree Logistic Reg Logistic Reg
Resampling None None Adasyn None None None
Scoring f2 f2 f4 f2 f4 f4
Precision 0.1333 0.1333 0.0509 0.1333 0.1163 0.1163
Recall 0.5135 0.5135 0.8108 0.5135 0.6667 0.6667
Accuracy 0.8446 0.8446 0.2616 0.8446 0.7741 0.7741
F1 0.2117 0.2117 0.0958 0.2117 0.198 0.198
F2 0.327 0.327 0.2035 0.327 0.3425 0.3425
F4 0.4398 0.4398 0.4318 0.4398 0.5215 0.5215
True 1 38 38 60 38 50 50
True 0 1500 1500 341 1500 1338 1338
False 1 247 247 1118 247 380 380
False 0 36 36 14 36 25 25

Confusion matrix - Best models for Cluster individual classification

Results for Best Model per Cluster

Clustering CID Resampling Scoring Model Precision Recall Accuracy F1 F2 F4
448 AggloAF 0 Adasyn f1 Log Reg 0.3333 0.7500 0.9759 0.4615 0.6000 0.6986
480 AggloAF 1 Adasyn f1 Log Reg 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000
519 AggloAF 2 Adasyn recall AdaBoost 0.0900 0.8182 0.5550 0.1622 0.3125 0.5543
560 AggloAF 3 None f1 Log Reg 0.1887 0.6250 0.6231 0.2899 0.4274 0.5502
594 AggloAF 4 None f1 Naive Bayes 0.1176 0.3333 0.8927 0.1739 0.2439 0.3009
628 AggloAF 5 None recall Log Reg 0.1719 0.8462 0.6382 0.2857 0.4741 0.6875
666 AggloAF 6 None f2 Naive Bayes 0.1750 1.0000 0.2048 0.2979 0.5147 0.7829
687 AggloAF 7 Adasyn f4 AdaBoost 0.0741 0.6667 0.7719 0.1333 0.2564 0.4533
721 AggloAF 8 None f1 Dec. Tree 0.1667 0.5000 0.8717 0.2500 0.3571 0.4474
343 DBSCANAF 0 None recall AdaBoost 0.2174 1.0000 0.4375 0.3571 0.5814 0.8252
377 DBSCANAF 1 None f2 Dec. Tree 0.1042 0.5682 0.8227 0.1761 0.3005 0.4502
400 DBSCANAF 2 None f1 Log Reg 0.1887 0.6250 0.6231 0.2899 0.4274 0.5502
438 DBSCANAF 3 None recall Naive Bayes 0.2500 1.0000 0.3684 0.4000 0.6250 0.8500
21 KMeanAF 0 None recall Dec. Tree 0.0794 0.5000 0.7249 0.1370 0.2427 0.3812
32 KMeanAF 1 Adasyn f1 Log Reg 0.5000 1.0000 0.9961 0.6667 0.8333 0.9444
64 KMeanAF 2 Adasyn f1 Log Reg 0.2500 0.4286 0.9065 0.3158 0.3750 0.4113
113 KMeanAF 3 None f1 Dec. Tree 0.1875 0.8571 0.6747 0.3077 0.5000 0.7083
144 KMeanAF 4 None f1 Log Reg 0.0870 0.8571 0.5461 0.1579 0.3093 0.5635
160 KMeanAF 5 Adasyn f1 Log Reg 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000
218 KMeanAF 6 None f2 Naive Bayes 0.1750 1.0000 0.2048 0.2979 0.5147 0.7829
243 KMeanAF 7 None f1 AdaBoost 0.1852 0.7143 0.8400 0.2941 0.4545 0.6115
274 KMeanAF 8 None f1 Naive Bayes 0.1818 0.4000 0.8909 0.2500 0.3226 0.3736
304 KMeanAF 9 None f1 Log Reg 0.1887 0.6250 0.6231 0.2899 0.4274 0.5502
Clustering CID Resampling Scoring Model F2 True 1 True 0 False 1 False 0
448 AggloAF 0 Adasyn f1 Log Reg 0.6000 3 280 6 1
480 AggloAF 1 Adasyn f1 Log Reg 1.0000 0 451 0 0
519 AggloAF 2 Adasyn recall AdaBoost 0.3125 9 107 91 2
560 AggloAF 3 None f1 Log Reg 0.4274 10 71 43 6
594 AggloAF 4 None f1 Naive Bayes 0.2439 2 156 15 4
628 AggloAF 5 None recall Log Reg 0.4741 11 86 53 2
666 AggloAF 6 None f2 Naive Bayes 0.5147 14 3 66 0
687 AggloAF 7 Adasyn f4 AdaBoost 0.2564 2 86 25 1
721 AggloAF 8 None f1 Dec. Tree 0.3571 4 159 20 4
343 DBSCANAF 0 None recall AdaBoost 0.5814 10 18 36 0
377 DBSCANAF 1 None f2 Dec. Tree 0.3005 25 1061 215 19
400 DBSCANAF 2 None f1 Log Reg 0.4274 10 71 43 6
438 DBSCANAF 3 None recall Naive Bayes 0.6250 4 3 12 0
21 KMeanAF 0 None recall Dec. Tree 0.2427 5 161 58 5
32 KMeanAF 1 Adasyn f1 Log Reg 0.8333 1 253 1 0
64 KMeanAF 2 Adasyn f1 Log Reg 0.3750 3 123 9 4
113 KMeanAF 3 None f1 Dec. Tree 0.5000 6 50 26 1
144 KMeanAF 4 None f1 Log Reg 0.3093 6 71 63 1
160 KMeanAF 5 Adasyn f1 Log Reg 1.0000 0 501 0 0
218 KMeanAF 6 None f2 Naive Bayes 0.5147 14 3 66 0
243 KMeanAF 7 None f1 AdaBoost 0.4545 5 121 22 2
274 KMeanAF 8 None f1 Naive Bayes 0.3226 2 96 9 3
304 KMeanAF 9 None f1 Log Reg 0.4274 10 71 43 6
Clustering Precision Recall Accuracy F1 F2 F4
0 AggloAF 0.1471 0.7333 0.8109 0.2450 0.4080 0.5940
2 KMeanAF 0.1490 0.7027 0.8248 0.2459 0.4031 0.5766
1 DBSCANAF 0.1380 0.6622 0.7841 0.2284 0.3763 0.5413
Clustering F2 True 1 True 0 False 1 False 0
0 AggloAF 0.4080 55 1399 319 20
2 KMeanAF 0.4031 52 1450 297 22
1 DBSCANAF 0.3763 49 1153 306 25

The best models depending on the scoring metric are shown below.

Best Accuracy Best Precision Best Recall Best F1 Best F2 Best F4
Model ID 2 2 0 2 0 0
Clustering KMeanAF KMeanAF AggloAF KMeanAF AggloAF AggloAF
Precision 0.149 0.149 0.1471 0.149 0.1471 0.1471
Recall 0.7027 0.7027 0.7333 0.7027 0.7333 0.7333
Accuracy 0.8248 0.8248 0.8109 0.8248 0.8109 0.8109
F1 0.2459 0.2459 0.245 0.2459 0.245 0.245
F2 0.4031 0.4031 0.408 0.4031 0.408 0.408
F4 0.5766 0.5766 0.594 0.5766 0.594 0.594
True 1 52 52 55 52 55 55
True 0 1450 1450 1399 1450 1399 1399
False 1 297 297 319 297 319 319
False 0 22 22 20 22 20 20

Confusion matrix - Best Models for for Best Model per Cluster

6. Dimensionality reduction - PCA and KPCA

Dimensionality reduction is crucial when working with high-dimensional datasets like the stroke dataset because it helps simplify the data, making it easier to visualize and analyze. High-dimensional data can be complex and computationally expensive to process, and it often contains redundant or irrelevant features that can obscure meaningful patterns. By reducing the number of dimensions, we can highlight the most important features that capture the majority of the data's variance, thus facilitating more efficient and insightful analysis. Reducing dimensions aids in visualizing the data, which is essential for understanding the underlying structure and relationships within the dataset. Visualizing the data in two dimensions can help identify clusters of patients with similar characteristics or risk profiles. This can provide valuable insights for developing targeted prevention and treatment strategies, ultimately improving patient outcomes. We will apply two widely used dimensionality reduction methods:

  • PCA : Principal Component Analysis and

  • KPCA : Kernel Function Principal Component Analysis.


Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is a widely used technique for dimensionality reduction that transforms the original high-dimensional data into a new set of uncorrelated variables called principal components. These principal components are linear combinations of the original features, ordered by the amount of variance they capture in the data. The first principal component captures the most variance, followed by the second, and so on. By selecting a subset of these components, we can reduce the dimensionality of the dataset while retaining most of its variability. PCA is particularly useful for identifying patterns and trends in the data, as well as for noise reduction and feature extraction.

In a first attempt to support vizualisation we will first scale the data and then run PCA to reduce to 2 Dimensions.

count mean std min 25% 50% 75% max
gender 5104.0 0.0 1.0 -0.840 -0.840 -0.840 1.188 3.217
age 5104.0 -0.0 1.0 -1.910 -0.807 0.077 0.785 1.714
hypertension 5104.0 -0.0 1.0 -0.328 -0.328 -0.328 -0.328 3.051
heart_disease 5104.0 0.0 1.0 -0.239 -0.239 -0.239 -0.239 4.182
ever_married 5104.0 -0.0 1.0 -1.383 -1.383 0.723 0.723 0.723
work_type 5104.0 -0.0 1.0 -1.988 -0.153 -0.153 0.764 1.681
Residence_type 5104.0 0.0 1.0 -1.017 -1.017 0.984 0.984 0.984
smoking_status 5104.0 -0.0 1.0 -1.286 -1.286 0.581 0.581 1.515
glucose_group 5104.0 0.0 1.0 -0.412 -0.412 -0.412 -0.412 2.945
bmi_group 5104.0 -0.0 1.0 -2.129 -1.079 -0.030 1.020 1.020

Scatterplot of 2D PCA principal components and target variable stroke as hue

The plot doesn't show good separation regarding the target variable. Also the cummulative explained variance ratio is not very good at 0.399.

Principal Component Explained Variance Ratio Cumulative EVR Eigenvalues
0 PC1 0.274 0.274 2.738
1 PC2 0.125 0.399 1.252

So we rerun PCA with the aim to explain 95% of the variance and plot the cummulative Variance.

PCA Cummulative explained variance

We would require 9 components to explain 97% of the 10 features in our dataset.


10 1.2
Principal Component Explained Variance Ratio Cumulative EVR Eigenvalues
0 PC1 0.274 0.274 2.738
1 PC2 0.125 0.399 1.252
2 PC3 0.100 0.499 1.001
3 PC4 0.096 0.595 0.962
4 PC5 0.088 0.683 0.882
5 PC6 0.082 0.766 0.825
6 PC7 0.080 0.846 0.799
7 PC8 0.065 0.911 0.648
8 PC9 0.060 0.971 0.603

Now we try to fit classification models for the principal components as features. The results are listed below.

Resampling Scoring Model Precision Recall Accuracy F1 F2 F4
3 Adasyn f1 AdaBoost 0.114 0.784 0.696 0.199 0.361 0.583
0 Adasyn f1 Logistic Regression 0.115 0.743 0.711 0.199 0.355 0.562
8 Adasyn f2 Logistic Regression 0.115 0.743 0.711 0.199 0.355 0.562
4 Adasyn recall Logistic Regression 0.111 0.730 0.704 0.193 0.345 0.549
12 Adasyn f4 Logistic Regression 0.111 0.730 0.704 0.193 0.345 0.549
7 Adasyn recall AdaBoost 0.075 0.946 0.435 0.139 0.285 0.563
11 Adasyn f2 AdaBoost 0.075 0.946 0.435 0.139 0.285 0.563
15 Adasyn f4 AdaBoost 0.075 0.946 0.435 0.139 0.285 0.563
Resampling Scoring Model F2 True 1 True 0 False 1 False 0
3 Adasyn f1 AdaBoost 0.361 58 1008 450 16
0 Adasyn f1 Logistic Regression 0.355 55 1034 424 19
8 Adasyn f2 Logistic Regression 0.355 55 1034 424 19
4 Adasyn recall Logistic Regression 0.345 54 1025 433 20
12 Adasyn f4 Logistic Regression 0.345 54 1025 433 20
7 Adasyn recall AdaBoost 0.285 70 597 861 4
11 Adasyn f2 AdaBoost 0.285 70 597 861 4
15 Adasyn f4 AdaBoost 0.285 70 597 861 4

The best models depending on the scoring metric are shown below.

Best Accuracy Best Precision Best Recall Best F1 Best F2 Best F4
Model ID 0 0 7 3 3 3
Resampling Adasyn Adasyn Adasyn Adasyn Adasyn Adasyn
Scoring f1 f1 recall f1 f1 f1
Model Logistic Reg Logistic Reg AdaBoost AdaBoost AdaBoost AdaBoost
Precision 0.115 0.115 0.075 0.114 0.114 0.114
Recall 0.743 0.743 0.946 0.784 0.784 0.784
Accuracy 0.711 0.711 0.435 0.696 0.696 0.696
F1 0.199 0.199 0.139 0.199 0.199 0.199
F2 0.355 0.355 0.285 0.361 0.361 0.361
F4 0.562 0.562 0.563 0.583 0.583 0.583
True 1 55 55 70 58 58 58
True 0 1034 1034 597 1008 1008 1008
False 1 424 424 861 450 450 450
False 0 19 19 4 16 16 16

Confusion matrix Best models for PCA based classification


Kernel PCA (KPCA) extends the traditional PCA method by using kernel functions to handle non-linear relationships in the data. While PCA is limited to linear transformations, KPCA projects the data into a higher-dimensional space using a kernel function, allowing it to capture complex, non-linear structures. The kernel function implicitly computes the principal components in this higher-dimensional space without the need to explicitly perform the transformation, making it computationally efficient. KPCA is especially useful when the data has intricate non-linear patterns that cannot be captured by linear methods like PCA. It provides a more flexible approach to dimensionality reduction, enabling better feature extraction and improved performance of machine learning algorithms on complex datasets.

As with PCA we will first scale the data and then run PCA to reduce to 2 Dimensions.

count mean std min 25% 50% 75% max
gender 5104.0 0.0 1.0 -0.840 -0.840 -0.840 1.188 3.217
age 5104.0 -0.0 1.0 -1.910 -0.807 0.077 0.785 1.714
hypertension 5104.0 -0.0 1.0 -0.328 -0.328 -0.328 -0.328 3.051
heart_disease 5104.0 0.0 1.0 -0.239 -0.239 -0.239 -0.239 4.182
ever_married 5104.0 -0.0 1.0 -1.383 -1.383 0.723 0.723 0.723
work_type 5104.0 -0.0 1.0 -1.988 -0.153 -0.153 0.764 1.681
Residence_type 5104.0 0.0 1.0 -1.017 -1.017 0.984 0.984 0.984
smoking_status 5104.0 -0.0 1.0 -1.286 -1.286 0.581 0.581 1.515
glucose_group 5104.0 0.0 1.0 -0.412 -0.412 -0.412 -0.412 2.945
bmi_group 5104.0 -0.0 1.0 -2.129 -1.079 -0.030 1.020 1.020

Scatterplot of 2D KPCA principal components and target variable stroke as hue

The plot appears to show good separation regarding the target variable. When we zoom into the range of the target variable and have a closer look, we can see that the classes are hardly separated.

Zoomed in Scatterplots of 2D KPCA principal components and target variable stroke as hue

When we rerun KPCA without specifying the number of components, we can then see how much variance is explained by each principal component, if we take a look at the magnitude of their respective eigenvalues.

Eigenvalues of KPCA Principal Components

We can try to evaluate the Kernel PCA results with applying our different classifcation models and their performance using the principal components as features and the stroke variable as target. We will evaluate for 20,40 and 60 principal components.

KPC Resampling Scoring Model Precision Recall Accuracy F1 F2 F4
3 20 Adasyn f1 AdaBoost 0.1231 0.7703 0.7239 0.2123 0.3755 0.5883
35 40 Adasyn f1 AdaBoost 0.1223 0.7568 0.7258 0.2105 0.3714 0.5798
32 40 Adasyn f1 Logistic Regression 0.1225 0.7432 0.7304 0.2103 0.3691 0.5726
36 40 Adasyn recall Logistic Regression 0.1225 0.7432 0.7304 0.2103 0.3691 0.5726
40 40 Adasyn f2 Logistic Regression 0.1225 0.7432 0.7304 0.2103 0.3691 0.5726
44 40 Adasyn f4 Logistic Regression 0.1225 0.7432 0.7304 0.2103 0.3691 0.5726
0 20 Adasyn f1 Logistic Regression 0.1204 0.7432 0.7252 0.2072 0.3652 0.5698
4 20 Adasyn recall Logistic Regression 0.1198 0.7432 0.7239 0.2064 0.3642 0.5691
8 20 Adasyn f2 Logistic Regression 0.1198 0.7432 0.7239 0.2064 0.3642 0.5691
12 20 Adasyn f4 Logistic Regression 0.1198 0.7432 0.7239 0.2064 0.3642 0.5691
68 60 Adasyn recall Logistic Regression 0.1189 0.7297 0.7258 0.2045 0.3600 0.5604
64 60 Adasyn f1 Logistic Regression 0.1189 0.7297 0.7258 0.2045 0.3600 0.5604
72 60 Adasyn f2 Logistic Regression 0.1189 0.7297 0.7258 0.2045 0.3600 0.5604
76 60 Adasyn f4 Logistic Regression 0.1189 0.7297 0.7258 0.2045 0.3600 0.5604
60 40 TomekLinks f4 Logistic Regression 0.1182 0.7297 0.7239 0.2034 0.3586 0.5594
52 40 TomekLinks recall Logistic Regression 0.1182 0.7297 0.7239 0.2034 0.3586 0.5594
56 40 TomekLinks f2 Logistic Regression 0.1182 0.7297 0.7239 0.2034 0.3586 0.5594
48 40 TomekLinks f1 Logistic Regression 0.1182 0.7297 0.7239 0.2034 0.3586 0.5594
16 20 TomekLinks f1 Logistic Regression 0.1048 0.8243 0.6514 0.1860 0.3474 0.5872
43 40 Adasyn f2 AdaBoost 0.0870 0.8514 0.5614 0.1579 0.3088 0.5613
181 60 TomekLinks recall Decision Tree 0.0832 0.7432 0.5920 0.1497 0.2874 0.5068
131 40 Adasyn f1 AdaBoost 0.0804 0.7703 0.5633 0.1456 0.2836 0.5119
103 20 Adasyn recall AdaBoost 0.0791 0.7703 0.5555 0.1434 0.2802 0.5087
111 20 Adasyn f4 AdaBoost 0.0791 0.7703 0.5555 0.1434 0.2802 0.5087
107 20 Adasyn f2 AdaBoost 0.0782 0.7703 0.5503 0.1420 0.2780 0.5065
163 60 Adasyn f1 AdaBoost 0.0794 0.7297 0.5783 0.1432 0.2766 0.4925
99 20 Adasyn f1 AdaBoost 0.0779 0.7568 0.5555 0.1412 0.2759 0.5003
KPC Resampling Scoring Model F2 True 1 True 0 False 1 False 0
3 20 Adasyn f1 AdaBoost 0.3755 57 1052 406 17
35 40 Adasyn f1 AdaBoost 0.3714 56 1056 402 18
32 40 Adasyn f1 Logistic Regression 0.3691 55 1064 394 19
36 40 Adasyn recall Logistic Regression 0.3691 55 1064 394 19
40 40 Adasyn f2 Logistic Regression 0.3691 55 1064 394 19
44 40 Adasyn f4 Logistic Regression 0.3691 55 1064 394 19
0 20 Adasyn f1 Logistic Regression 0.3652 55 1056 402 19
4 20 Adasyn recall Logistic Regression 0.3642 55 1054 404 19
8 20 Adasyn f2 Logistic Regression 0.3642 55 1054 404 19
12 20 Adasyn f4 Logistic Regression 0.3642 55 1054 404 19
68 60 Adasyn recall Logistic Regression 0.3600 54 1058 400 20
64 60 Adasyn f1 Logistic Regression 0.3600 54 1058 400 20
72 60 Adasyn f2 Logistic Regression 0.3600 54 1058 400 20
76 60 Adasyn f4 Logistic Regression 0.3600 54 1058 400 20
60 40 TomekLinks f4 Logistic Regression 0.3586 54 1055 403 20
52 40 TomekLinks recall Logistic Regression 0.3586 54 1055 403 20
56 40 TomekLinks f2 Logistic Regression 0.3586 54 1055 403 20
48 40 TomekLinks f1 Logistic Regression 0.3586 54 1055 403 20
16 20 TomekLinks f1 Logistic Regression 0.3474 61 937 521 13
43 40 Adasyn f2 AdaBoost 0.3088 63 797 661 11
181 60 TomekLinks recall Decision Tree 0.2874 55 852 606 19
131 40 Adasyn f1 AdaBoost 0.2836 57 806 652 17
103 20 Adasyn recall AdaBoost 0.2802 57 794 664 17
111 20 Adasyn f4 AdaBoost 0.2802 57 794 664 17
107 20 Adasyn f2 AdaBoost 0.2780 57 786 672 17
163 60 Adasyn f1 AdaBoost 0.2766 54 832 626 20
99 20 Adasyn f1 AdaBoost 0.2759 56 795 663 18

The best models depending on the scoring metric are shown below.

Best Accuracy Best Precision Best Recall Best F1 Best F2 Best F4
Model ID 32 3 43 3 3 3
KPC 40 20 40 20 20 20
Resampling Adasyn Adasyn Adasyn Adasyn Adasyn Adasyn
Scoring f1 f1 f2 f1 f1 f1
Model Logistic Reg AdaBoost AdaBoost AdaBoost AdaBoost AdaBoost
Precision 0.1225 0.1231 0.087 0.1231 0.1231 0.1231
Recall 0.7432 0.7703 0.8514 0.7703 0.7703 0.7703
Accuracy 0.7304 0.7239 0.5614 0.7239 0.7239 0.7239
F1 0.2103 0.2123 0.1579 0.2123 0.2123 0.2123
F2 0.3691 0.3755 0.3088 0.3755 0.3755 0.3755
F4 0.5726 0.5883 0.5613 0.5883 0.5883 0.5883
True 1 55 57 63 57 57 57
True 0 1064 1052 797 1052 1052 1052
False 1 394 406 661 406 406 406
False 0 19 17 11 17 17 17

Confusion matrix - Best model for KPCA based classification

7. Recommended Model

After training and evaluating the models, it is hard to identify a single best model as it is highly depending on the preference on how you value the misclassification of a stroke patient. We did not gain huge improvements with the unsupervised leaning approaches but could identify slight improvement in the F4 score for Cluster based classification. Dimensionality Reduction did not result in improved results compared to the base models. Based on our performance metric we can propose two models as promising. The best F2 value was achieved with the base classification only AdaBoost model number 19 with under-sampling. The best F4 value was realized by applying AdaBoost model number 63 with under-sampling and enriching the classification with the resulting cluster labels from the DBSCAN clustering. Both models could be a good starting point for further evaluation. Below you can find the Confusion Matrix for both models.

Best F2 Score

Model 19 - AdaBoost
Resampling TomekLinks
Scoring f1
Model AdaBoost
Precision 0.167192
Recall 0.716216
Accuracy 0.813969
F1 0.2711
F2 0.4323
F4 0.600266
True 1 53
True 0 1194
False 1 264
False 0 21

Confusion matrix Best F2 Score - AdaBoost Base model 19

Best F4 Score

Model 63 - AdaBoost DBSCAN
Clustering DBSCANAF
Resampling TomekLinks
Scoring f4
Model AdaBoost
Precision 0.10559
Recall 0.918919
Accuracy 0.619856
F1 0.189415
F2 0.361702
F4 0.632385
True 1 68
True 0 881
False 1 576
False 0 6

Confusion matrix Best F4 Score - AdaBoost DBSCAN Cluster model 63

8. Key Findings and Insights

The analysis of the stroke prediction model has revealed several critical factors that significantly influence the likelihood of stroke in patients. Understanding these drivers allows for better-targeted interventions and more effective prevention strategies. However, to further enhance the accuracy and reliability of the model, additional data and features are essential.

Main Drivers influencing Stroke Risk

  • Age: Older patients have a higher risk of stroke. This finding underscores the importance of age-related health monitoring and interventions, as the likelihood of experiencing a stroke increases with age, necessitating enhanced medical vigilance for the elderly.

  • Hypertension: Presence of hypertension increases stroke risk. Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is a well-established risk factor for stroke, emphasizing the need for strict blood pressure control through medication, lifestyle changes, and regular monitoring.

  • Heart Disease: Patients with heart disease are more likely to experience a stroke. The strong correlation between cardiovascular conditions and stroke highlights the necessity for comprehensive care plans that address both heart disease management and stroke prevention.

  • Average Glucose Level: Higher average glucose levels are associated with Diabetes and increase stroke risk. Elevated glucose levels indicate poor diabetes control, which can lead to vascular damage and increased stroke risk, highlighting the importance of maintaining optimal glucose levels through diet, exercise, and medication adherence.


  • Preventive Measures: Targeted interventions for patients with hypertension and heart disease could reduce stroke incidence. Implementing comprehensive care plans that include lifestyle modifications, medication adherence, and regular health check-ups is crucial for mitigating stroke risk in these high-risk populations.

  • Public Health Strategies: Programs aimed at managing blood glucose levels and promoting healthy aging could be beneficial. Public health initiatives should focus on widespread screening for diabetes and hypertension, coupled with campaigns that encourage physical activity, healthy eating, and smoking cessation to reduce stroke risk at a population level.

  • Holistic Health Approach: Adopting a holistic approach that considers the interplay between various risk factors can enhance stroke prevention efforts. By addressing lifestyle factors such as diet, exercise, and stress management, healthcare providers can simultaneously mitigate risks associated with hypertension, heart disease, and diabetes, leading to better overall health outcomes.

  • Technology and Monitoring: Leveraging technology, such as wearable devices and telemedicine, can aid in the continuous monitoring of at-risk individuals. These technologies provide real-time data on blood pressure, glucose levels, and heart rate, allowing for timely interventions and personalized care plans that can significantly reduce stroke risk.

  • Education and Awareness: Raising awareness about the risk factors and preventive measures for stroke is crucial. Public health campaigns and educational programs should aim to inform individuals about the importance of regular health screenings, recognizing early symptoms of stroke, and seeking immediate medical attention, empowering them to take proactive steps towards stroke prevention.

Future Directions

To further improve the understanding and prediction of stroke risk, it is imperative to gather more comprehensive data and incorporate additional features into the model. Including a wider range of demographic, genetic, and lifestyle factors can provide a more nuanced view of stroke risk. Additionally, longitudinal data tracking patients over time could offer insights into how risk factors evolve and interact. By expanding the dataset and refining the features used, we can develop more accurate and robust models that enhance our ability to prevent and manage stroke.

9. Suggestions for Next Steps

  • Feature Enhancement: Incorporate additional health-related features, such as cholesterol levels, physical activity, and diet, to improve the model's predictive performance. Including more comprehensive lifestyle and biometric data can help create a more accurate and holistic risk assessment for stroke.

  • Longitudinal Data: Utilize longitudinal data to track changes in patient health over time, which can provide deeper insights into the progression and interaction of risk factors. Longitudinal studies allow for the observation of how individual risk profiles evolve, leading to more precise and personalized predictions.

  • Assessment of Existing Studies and Scores: Evaluate and integrate findings from established studies and scoring systems, such as the Framingham Heart Study and the CHA₂DS₂-VASc score, which are widely used for predicting cardiovascular and stroke risk. Comparing our model's performance with these well-regarded benchmarks can provide validation and highlight areas for improvement. Additionally, exploring datasets from these studies can offer valuable insights and potential features to enhance our model.

  • Collaborative Research: Engage in collaborative research with other institutions and researchers to leverage a broader range of expertise and datasets. By pooling resources and knowledge, we can develop more robust and generalizable models that are applicable across diverse populations.

  • Validation Across Diverse Populations: Test and validate the model across different demographic and geographic populations to ensure its applicability and reliability. Understanding how the model performs in various contexts can help identify any biases or limitations, leading to more equitable and effective stroke risk prediction tools.

  • Model Re-evaluation: Regularly update and re-evaluate the model as new data becomes available to ensure its continued relevance and accuracy. Incorporating the latest research findings and medical advancements will help maintain the model's effectiveness in predicting stroke risk.